Friday, January 25, 2013

The advantages of having a flickr can share your photos with everyone can have you roghts reserved or not can create galleries and save photos you like
4. you can get feed back on your pictures
5. Its fun!
6. it will tell you if you cant use the photo because all rights are reserved so you wont break copyright law!

Fair use
your only allowed to use 30 seconds of a song movie play tv show or video
fortext books poetry you can only use 30% of it
for poems you can only use 3 by the same author
for photos you can onlu use up to 5 per photographer
ypu can not copy information from website to another or download data over 2500 fields

the purpose of a work cited page is to tell everyone where you information came from so you dont plagerize or get in trouble for breaking copyright law

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