Monday, May 20, 2013

smell o vision

The article i read was about a device that a company in japan made that attaches to your smartphone and makes scents come out. they called it smell o vision and it basically absorbs smells around like if your in a garden it will absorb the smell of flowers and on your command it will release the smell but i think it would be kind of bad because if you were in a gym locker room in wouldn't smell too good at all. But i think it is a pretty good idea.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

my career cluster

My top career cluster was hospitality and tourism. some jobs might be working at a theme park or working at a restaurant or hotel. I think the reason why i got this is because i am generally nice and friendly. I'm not afraid of people. I'm usually in a good mood. I also had a tie with education and training.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

windows live assignment

                Texting  and driving is a serious problem here in America.  But two public health experts found a way to fix that problem.  They want to make it so that devices switch into drive mode and cannot be used to text or call or anything. They say that laws and education about it are not sufficient and there needs to be something else done. The article even says that from 2005 to 2009 distracted driving increased 22%. Texting and driving is serious and needs to be stopped!