Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas break

over christmas break i did a lot of things. On Monday i stayed at home and ate a ton of food and watched cheesy christmas movies. On tuesday i woke up watched tv opened presents and such. but my dad said there was going to be a snow storm on wendsday which is the day we were suppossed to leave so we ate dinner eraly on tuesday and then left for my aunts house. wendsday we really didnt do anything up at my aunts house because it was snowing really bad there. o saturday me and my mom left my aunts house and went back home. Untill tuesday i just kinda watched movies i got for christmas. Then on tuesday my sister came home. And on wendsday my mom took me and my sister to the mall and target and i bought a shirt s taylor swift cd the walking dead season one and my favorite drink sobe. That was my christmas break how was yours?

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